We think that every coffee over probably started brewing with a French press. These simple and elegant coffee makers have been around for nearly 100 years and most kitchens have one stashed somewhere. Even if you have an electric coffee maker sitting on your countertop, nothing beats brewing two cups of coffee in a French press on a Sunday morning.
But which coffee grinders offer the coarseness settings to brew a perfect French press coffee?
Fellow ODE Brew Grinder
There are so many reasons to choose this grinder, but one of them is that it matches the stunning Fellow Clara French Press. With the two of them sat together on your counter, you’ll be creating a coffee centrepiece for your kitchen.
Aside from being aesthetically beautiful, the Fellow ODE brings the café experience to your kitchen, with 31 grind settings using 64mm professional-grade flat burrs. It also has a grind capacity of 80g, meaning that it can easily accommodate the perfect dose for your French press.
Baratza Encore Grinder
The Baratza Encore is considered by many experts to be the go-to entry level grinder for home brewing, making it perfect for anyone who is starting out with a French press. The grinder has 30 settings ranging from 250 to 1200 microns, meaning that you can get the uniform coarse grind that’s needed for the perfect pressed coffee. The 8oz grounds bin also means you can grind more than a single dose.
Rhino Tall Hand Grinder
For those who are just starting to experiment with home grinding and a French press, the Rhino Tall Hand Grinder is a great entry level choice. With capacity to grind up to 40g of beans, and simple adjustments, allowing you to enjoy everything from espresso to French press, the Rhino range of grinders beat anything in a similar price bracket.
Interested in learning more about coffee grinders? Then you might want to read our blog about the best coffee grinders for 2022.