Baratza Sette 270wi – why grinding by weight works

Baratza Sette 270wi – why grinding by weight works

How to measure your coffee for the perfect grind

Measuring out the right amount of coffee for a home grind brew is the key to the perfect coffee shop taste and aroma.

There are three ways in which coffee beans can be measured, and these are volume, time and weight.

However although each has its benefits, we believe that measuring by weight is the most effective method, and the Baratza Sette 270 Wi with its built-in and intelligent scale is the perfect machine for achieving this

Why weight?

You probably started your coffee journey by measuring with spoonfuls or scoops of coffee. This is reasonably consistent and easy but will vary depending on the roast and type of bean. You will find you need to use trial and error to perfect your coffee result.

Grinding by time offers more precision where the grind result you specify is produced the same way every time by using a set duration. It’s good, but it still requires user input and learning depending on the bean, the roast and the required grind size. We can do even better for you!

Grinding by weight is the most accurate measuring method. A grinder like the Sette 270 Wi grinds exactly as much coffee as you need every time with precision results.

Elevate your experience

You can still have input on the brew grind by making tiny adjustments and refinements, so purists and experts will still have a lot of fun with this machine. You can grind coffee like a professional in your kitchen, elevating your morning fresh grind ritual to the next level and continuing your exploration of the home grind world.

Find out more

For more information on the Sette 270 Wi or some of the other amazing grinders we recommend, check out our blog for the best grinders for 2022.


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