Nucleus recently discovered the significant role of volatile aroma compounds in how we interpret and which flavours we can perceive. By brewing with Paragon, we utilise Extract Chilling technology to capture that flavour otherwise lost in the environment.
Extract chilling technology was researched at Coffee Excellence Center in Switzerland by Professor Chahan. Many other professionals developed and tested it to bring excellence to your brewing approach.
The chlling rock designed to effectively extract a pour-over of any size. It’s made of a metal casing that holds freezing solution liquid to increase the time the rock is frozen.
The chilling rock should be at freezer temperature (below -5 degrees C) and used within 10 minutes of pulling out of the freezer, given they have reached an equilibrium frozen temperature in the freezer over time.
Use your favourite pour over brewer with Paragon.
**Cone Brewer and Server not included**