Monsoon Malabar


Monsoon Malabar makes for a unique brew which is exceptionally smooth with a sweetness followed by a slightly spicy kick.

Monsoon Malabar coffee beans, when un-roasted, are yellow rather than the usual light green. These yellow beans are exposed to the monsoon rain and winds for a period of about three to four months, causing them to swell and lose their original acidity.

In our opinion, this process is what gives Moonsoon Malabar an edge, working best as a medium roast. We recommend it brewed using a cafetiere or filter, making it perfect for an afternoon or after-dinner coffee.

Origin: India
Estate: Various Highland Malabar Estates
Varieties: Arabica
Processing: Monsooned.
Grade: AA, equal to SCR 17/18 (large beans, good quality)

Bag Size: 250g

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